Euphemization in politicians’ speeches as a tool of political struggle, on the material of speeches of politicians
Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2016 г.
Объем: 149 стр.
Содержание дипломной:
Заданная тема1: Euphemization in politicians’ speeches as a tool of political struggle, on the material of speeches of politicians
Introduction 3
Chapter I. Functions of euphemization in politicians’ speeches 6
1.1. Definition and classifications of euphemisms 6
1.2. Peculiarities of political discourse 15
1.3. Functions of euphemization in political discourse 23
Summary of Results 30
Chapter II. Political euphemisms as a tool of political struggle (on the material of politicians’ speeches) 32
2.1. Peculiarities of language of politicians’ speeches 32
2.2. Types of euphemisms in politicians’ speeches 39
2.3. Thematic classification of political euphemisms 48
2.4. Functions of euphemization in speeches of English-speaking politicians 57
Summary of Results 62
Conclusion 64
Bibliography 67
Appendixes. 74
Выдержка из дипломной работы
Nowadays the role of euphemisms in political discourse is considered to be very important. First of all, modern political communication is directed to the mass audience. Consequently, it has wide range of recipients. Secondly, language of political discourse is crucial in the sphere of forming of people’s stereotypes. Thirdly, politicians use different types of euphemisms in their public speeches in order to manipulate public opinion. Accordingly, they use the process of euphemization as a tool of political struggle.
In modern linguistics the problem of euphemization is fully investigated in different aspects: in the aspect of euphemisms’ structure, classifications, and motives of their usage. But the aspect of political euphemisms discloses a lot of white spaces. Thus, there are not any distinct criteria of political euphemisms’ systemization. Consequently, we can speak about the necessity of research of euphemization in political sphere on the example of politicians’ speeches. In connection with the above we can affirm the topicality of the present research...
Nowadays the phenomenon of euphemization is observed in every sphere of human activities including the sphere of politics. In order to represent functions of euphemization in political discourse, we should study definition of euphemism which is, in a broad sense, “a “nice” way of saying something unpleasant or blunt” [Carter 2013, p. 577].
According to a word’s etymology, the word “euphemism” is of Ancient Greek origin. The first part of the word “eu” means “good”. The second part “pheme” has the meaning “speaking” [Hojati 2012, p. 553].
Consequently, the meaning of the word “euphemism” is “to speak with good words”. Thus, euphemism is considered to be “a more pleasant, less objectionable way of saying something for a blunt or more direct way” [Chaffee 2014, p. 284].
More often linguists state that from the point of view of lexicography only a definite word or a phrase can be a euphemism. For instance, K. Denham speaks that euphemism is a “word or phrase used to avoid offending or to purposely obscure” [Denham, Lobeck 2012, p. 303]...
The aim of the present research was to analyze the process of euphemization in politicians’ speeches as a tool of political struggle. In order to achieve this aim, we have solved several tasks.
First of all, we have studied definition of the notion “euphemism” and concluded that euphemism is a polite or soft word or word combination which can be used in written or spoken text in order to conceal or veil an offensive word or phrase. Scientists cite a lot of means of euphemisms’ creation, such as exchanging of meaning, replacing a word by a loan word, abbreviation or shortening, description of a word by means of metaphors, ellipsis, periphrases, the usage of adaptation, truncation, vague abstraction, understatement, etc. As for classifications of euphemisms in the English language, there is no a unique and ambiguous one. That is why we have given several classifications mostly important for the present research: classification according to the structure of euphemisms, their ambiguity and vocabulary level. Other classifications (such as classifications according to the sphere of usage, stable/unstable vocabulary, purpose, word-building characteristics) are also examined in the first chapter of the present paper...
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