Исследование лингвистический и экстралингвистических аспектов общественно - политического текста( Study of linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of the socio - political text)

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Исследование лингвистический и экстралингвистических аспектов общественно - политического текста( Study of linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of the socio - political text)

Исследование лингвистический и экстралингвистических аспектов общественно - политического текста( Study of linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of the socio - political text)

Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2011 г.

Объем: 64 стр.

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Содержание дипломной:

Заданная тема1: Исследование лингвистический и экстралингвистических аспектов общественно - политического текста( Study of linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of the socio - political text)

1.1. The Nature of Political Discourse…………………………………………6
1.2. Sociolinguistic Variation in Political Speeches: Style and Socio-Economic Status in Political Speeches……………………………………………………10
1.3. Linguistic Variables to Consider in a Sociolinguistic Analysis of Speeches……………………………………………………………………….12
2.1 Performatives as a linguistic tool…………………………………………..16
2.2. Referring expressions in English political news…………………………..20
2.3. Linguistic Markers of Psychological State through Media Interviews..35
2.4. Hypnosis in president’s speech……………………………………….…42

Выдержка из дипломной работы

We have become increasingly cognizant of “the status of language as a primary site of political process and of discursive mediation of those very activities and events that we recognize as political” (Kroskrity 2000: 1). Politicians use language as the site at which they promote, protect and legitimate their power and voice of authority, and rationalize their visions of political order and their representations of social harmony. Political speeches are a critical locus for translating those visions and representations of reality into words. Presidential political speeches are elaborately composed, scrupulously revised and edited - resulting in numerous drafts - in order to carry the voice of authority and power of the president while they are carefully crafted to be heard as the voice of the collectivity. The final linguistic product of a political speech is the outcome of behind-the-scene efforts to orchestrate the simultaneity of voices (Bakhtin 1984) and to harmonize their multiplicity through a meticulous
This analysis explained the connection between standard varieties and political speeches through style and socio-economic status. Style is a useful social variable to analyze political speeches together with notions such as Accommodation Theory, and Identities. This paper observed the peculiar style used by left-wing Spanish speaking politicians to address the masses. Finally, we have proposed linguistic variables to correlate with style and account for systematic characteristics of these speeches. I have presented three more linguistic variables, in addition to those proposed by the literature.

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