Сanadian literature and its role in EFL classroom

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Сanadian literature and its role in EFL classroom

Сanadian literature and its role in EFL classroom

Год сдачи (защиты) курсовой работы: 2022 г.

Объем: 24 стр.

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Заданная тема: Сanadian literature and its role in EFL classroom

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………3
2. Importance of Canadian Literature in EFL class ……………………………4
2.1.History and definition of Canadian literature ……………………………...4
2.2.Basic authors and their works……………………………………………12
2.3.The significance of Canadian literature in EFL class……………………..18
Works cited……………………………………………………………………24

Немного тезисов из работы

The English as a foreign language lesson is the foundation of the entire educational process in school, an inexhaustible source that helps students comprehend knowledge. The lesson forms the person of tomorrow, so being a teacher of English as a foreign language is not only a high honor and duty, but also a great responsibility. Much is said today about innovation in school education, often forgetting that it is not an abstract concept, but a mundane, concrete work. The school day is a creative search, solving questions: how to make lessons and extracurricular activities truly learning. In particular, the study of Canadian literature in English as a foreign language lessons can be used for this purpose.
A great importance in modern lessons of foreign literature are now getting unusual, creative, lessons, these are: lessons-disputes, lessons-seminars, lessons-compositions, lessons-excursions, lessons of game type, press conferences and many others. Any lesson that has something original, outstanding, is classified as unconventional. Identifying such unconventionality becomes the most important task for many teachers. The relevance of the study stems from the importance of humanities education and literature lessons through introducing students to the culture of the Canadian people from ancient times to the present.

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