The United States foreign policy in the Middle East post 9/11:critical analysis of the operation Iraqi Freedom
Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2015 г.
Объем: 82 стр.
Содержание дипломной:
Заданная тема1: The United States foreign policy in the Middle East post 9/11:critical analysis of the operation Iraqi Freedom
1. Historical perspective………
1.1. Background: the 9/11 attacks……….6
1.1.1. Official version of the tragedy………..6
1.1.2. Proceedings after September 11, 2001…….7
1.1.3. Strange contradictions in the investigation…..9
1.2. Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 – 2011)……..12
1.2.1. Background of invasion……..12
1.2.2. Events on the eve of the conflict ………14
1.2.3. Military intervention of March 2003……...15
1.2.4. Consequences of the operation ‘Iraqi Freedom’…….18
1.3. Current situation in Iraq…………24
1.3.1. Iraq after withdrawal of US troops……..24
1.3.2. Parties interested in today’s situation in Iraq…......26
2. Theoretical analysis……….......30
2.1. Just war theory……30
2.2. Democratic peace theory……….....33
3. The legal, moral and strategic approach adopted by US…..40
3.1. Legal justification: violation of a former resolution…….40
3.2. Moral justification: prevention right……….41
3.3. Strategy: unilateralism..............47
3.4. Evaluation of U.S. intervention in Iraq……….51
Conclusion ……….58
List of Used Literature…………….61
Выдержка из дипломной работы
War in Iraq which started in 2003 in ideological field was connected with military and politic doctrine which was formed in the end of 70s. According to it any threat of Persian Gulf regions stability as spheres of important interests of USA will be fought with the help of any necessary resources including military force. On January 29, 2002 in his speech to Congress George Bush told about countries of “evil axis” (including Iraq), which according to U.S. intelligence services support terrorism, connected with terrorist organization Al Qaeda and are involved in production of chemical weapons. In June 2002 he acknowledged the possibility of preventive blow strike as the source of defence of American interests.
The reasons for U.S. intervention in Iraq and military campaign against Hussein regime were Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, connections with international terrorism, open hostility to America, violating of human rights. However, further it turned out that the fact of “Iraqi dossier” didn’t meet the reality: the proof of the fact that Iraq renewed the production of chemical and bacteriological materials and connected with al Qaeda was not given...
September 11 was the most terrible terrorist attacks in the history of mankind. Victims of the attack were about 3,000 people from 80 countries [1, p.113]. According to the official version, the attack was organized by international terrorist organization Al Qaeda. On the eleventh day of September, nineteen terrorists belonging to this organization got control over four scheduled passenger airliner. Each group had at least one member that has passed initial flight training [2, p.46].
Terrorists sent two of the airliners to crash against the two towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York City. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into Tower 1 (northern), and Flight 175 United Airlines - the tower 2 (southern). As a result, both towers collapsed causing serious damage to adjacent structures. The third plane (Flight 77 of American Airlines) was sent to Pentagon building. The passengers and the crew of the fourth plane (Flight 93 of United Airlines) tried to seize control of aircraft from terrorists. The plane crashed into a field near the town of Shenksvill in Pennsylvania [3, p.5].
Only on 15 July, 2002 the works in searching of the terrorist attacks victim remains were officially completed. On August 20, 2002 the first official list of the casualties in New York was published [Appendix, Table 2]. The list included the names of 2,819 people from 80 countries, including three Russians. In addition, 157 people were killed on the two planes that crashed into the skyscrapers. A total of 343 firefighters died trying to rescue some lives [4]...
The main goal of this work was to critically assess the 2003 US military intervention in Iraq from an historical and theoretical perspective in order to understand the reasons behind its failure. In order to achieve this goal the target of my research has been the analysis of the foreign policy enforced by the Bush administration post September 11.
For analyzing this complex issue, I have structured the work in three chapters, whose results are here below shortly resumed.
Chapter 1 critically examines the events which led to 2003 US military intervention in Iraq. The attacks of September 11, 2001 initiated the so called U.S. “war on terrorism” and, according to a certain interpretation, they contributed to the construct of the operation Iraqi Freedom. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Real reasons behind the 2003 intervention in Iraq are much deeper.
I examined historical facts and peculiarities of foreign policy of USA in the Middle East and found out the following facts. The US intelligence services prepared the report which depicted Saddam Hussein as guilty for developing weapons of mass destruction. Lately, they acknowledged that it was a mistake. Maybe US intelligence’s strategy to gain precise and correct information is not so outstanding as commonly believed. In other terms, the “fog of war” still plays an important role in the current international framework. However, taking into account that USA have always tried to protect their national interests anywhere in the world, it can also be that the US pressure over the supposed Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction was not a mistake due to unreliable data. But why had the US government to lie about such issue? Or, in other terms, what were the reasons behind the 2003 US military intervention in Iraq...
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