Effectiveness of EU"s soft owe in settlement of Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2014 г.
Объем: 47 стр.
Содержание дипломной:
Заданная тема1: Effectiveness of EU"s soft owe in settlement of Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
1 Introduction
2 Background of the conflict
3 Theoretical backgrounds
4 Review of results of research of Georgian and Abkhazian public opinion
5 “Soft power” as EU’s new paradigm in the settlement of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict after the events of 2008
6 Comparison of Georgian and Abkhazian recognition of EU’s “soft power”
7 Examples of successful “soft power” of Russia in Abkhazia
8 Summary
9 Bibliography
Выдержка из дипломной работы
Georgian-Abkhazian conflict is related to the collapse of the Soviet Union. It first came to a shove in 1992, and then it was “frozen” one day and run high another day.
After the 2008 war between Georgian and Russian troops, opinions about the nature of the Georgian territorial disputes and relatively who is a party to the conflict has been clearly determined. It became a turning point in the EU’s view related to the perception of the perspective and the dimension of Georgian conflicts. First of all Russia has openly identified itself as a party of the conflict (Gegeshidze, 2012) but Americans have been also announced as the party of the conflict by French Foreign Minister Kouchner (Newspaper Izvestia, 2008) who insisted on the necessity of negotiations to be focused on the increased role of the European Union in the country. Since then, the European Union stands as the leading mediator in Georgia’s peacemaking and conflict resolution domains...
Historically South Caucasus is a very volatile region. In XIX century Abkhazian state, the main population of which is Moslems, was seeking alliance with Russia and not with Russia, as distinct from other Georgian apanage principalities. Russia managed to place control on Abkhazian principality only as a result of Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829), Crimean War (1853-1856) and Caucasus War (1864) (Broocs, p. 677). The frustration of ethnical Abkhazian population towards new authorities led to rebellions (for instance, in 1866 and 1877). Repression of rebellions was accompanied by migration of Islamic population of the country to Turkey. Liberated territories were populated by Christian immigrants (Georgians, Armenians, Russians). Indigenous Islamic population of Abkhazia Christianized forcefully because Muslims were really disabled (Mostashari, p. 234). Abkhazian restrictions of right on colonization of coastal territories redounded to migration of Georgian Mingrelia population to Abkhazia. The article of Georgian publicist J. Gogebashvili is notable. He wrote in 1877 that migration is undoubtedly not transient but permanent. Abkhazia will never see its sons any more (Гогебашвили, p.3). Encouragement of migration at the hands of Russian Empire that had a policy of changing disobedient Muslims with loyal Christian population led to ethnic composition change in Abkhazia: Abkhazians became an ethnic minority (Анчабадзе, 2000).
In the Soviet period Abkhazia was an autonomous republic as a part of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1931. With that relations between Georgians and Abkhazians were continually strained. In 1989 Abkhazia ran foul of armed disorders (Cornell, р. 163); in 1990 Abkhazia was proclaimed sovereign Abkhazian Soviet Socialist Republic (декларация, p.246)...
EU’s “soft power” concerning Abkhazia is based on the “involvement without recognition”. To our mind, such position of EU is explained by the range of circumstances:
- EU wants to make actions of Abkhazia predictable and to destroy its self-isolation;
- EU wants to bring Abkhazia into the programs of cooperation in order not to have non-European oasis in the space of Eastern partnership;
- EU wants to participate in settlement of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict (article 49 of Resolution of 7.04.2011) with the help of institute of EU Special Representative under the control of the chief representative of foreign policy and security of EU, Vice-chairman of the European Commission.
According to the research, it is possible to distinguish the following reasons of inefficiency of EU’s “soft power” in settlement of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict:
- not only “soft power”, but also “hard power” of Russia is opposed to EU’s “soft power”; in this link the attempts of activation of EU in Abkhazia have many artificial obstacles. Discrepancy of the “Medvedev-Sarkozy plan” affords ground for Russian usage of “hard power” and creation of “buffer strips...
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